Michael Macasiano
I make music and stuff

Sweet Violet
Cinematic, moody, ambient
Sweet Violet is a collection of music made for Escapril 2023. It's a bunch of little tunes inspired by the prompt each day. To provide some focus with the list of words and phrases, this extra bit of flair was added:
"What would this word sound like in an A24 movie?"
Each day was about capturing the push and pull of emotion with an imaginary scene that's full of tension and drama or perhaps something soft and pleasant.
Music composed, mixed, and mastered by Michael Macasiano
The Fury Midnight
Cinematic, bold, orchestral
The Fury Midnight is a collection of music made for Soulstober 2022. It's a bunch of cinematic tunes inspired by the prompt each day. As the name implies, the songs are meant to be inspired by the aesthetics of the Dark Souls franchise and feature a very in-your-face orchestral style. The full album is available on streaming sites as well as a loop-able format for game developers.
Loopable formats
Music composed, mixed, and mastered by Michael Macasiano

Voyage of Visions
Soundtrack, variety, thematic
Voyage of Visions is a series of music made for the Kenney Jam 2023. The music was made very generally so anyone in the jam could use the songs in conjunction with Kenney's free visual assets. Because the music wasn't made for a specific game, the album has chiptune, piano-focused, and synth wave songs.
Loopable formats
Music composed, mixed, and mastered by Michael Macasiano
Witching Hour
Cinematic, bold, orchestral
Witching Hour is a collection of music based on the Soulstober 2021 prompt list. 2021 was the first time Michael really tackled a daily challenge prompt list so all the tracks are a very raw take on the words as they apply to the theme.
Loopable formats
Music composed, mixed, and mastered by Michael Macasiano